Here’s a short​list of just a few things that Elmbrook Education Association
(EEA) does for its members.
EEA's leadership team regularly meets and discusses, with administration and school board members, current and ongoing issues which matter to the education of children in our district.
Your EEA leadership team serves on the annual negotiations committee.
EEA members were present and active on district lead committees, such as Calendar, E3, and Retirement.
EEA is in attendance at school board committee meetings such as Personnel and Teaching and Learning.
EEA sponsored (and continues to sponsor) workshops to help teachers with
PDP, license renewal, and national board certification.
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EEA provides representatives that serve in each building as our members
first resource to go to for assistance or to answer questions.
Fill out the membership form below - or fill it out digitally HERE.
(You'll be directed to the WEAC website.)
You can also contact Michelle Byrne (Region 7 Admin. Assistant) at 262-789-6000 or byrnem@weac.org.
EEA Leadership Team
Beth Peske: bcpeske@gmail.com
Joslyn Hegelmeyer: senorahegel@aol.com
Emily Paprocki: emilyjeanpaprocki@gmail.com
Ted Kraig, Region 7 UniServ Director: KraigT@weac.org
Michelle Byrne Region 7 Staff Assistant: byrnem@weac.org​
Membership Chairpersons
Amy Digman: uppenamy@hotmail.com
Committee Member Liason
Julie Hardie: jjhardie98@gmail.com
Public Relations/Communication Chairperson
Joslyn Hegelmeyer: senorahegel@aol.com
BEHS Building Reps
​Emily Paprocki: emilyjeanpaprocki@gmail.com
Beth Peske: bcpeske@gmail.com
Joslyn Hegelmeyer: senorahegel@aol.com
BCHS Building Reps
Patrick Perez: Perezp3@gmail.com
Christine Capriolo: christinecapriolo@sbcglobal.net
PPMS Building Rep
Tonawanda Building Rep
​Rick Ziolkowski: weakkneeswillie@gmail.com
Fairview South Building Rep
500 Terry Francois Street
San Francisco, CA 94158
WHMS Building Reps
Mark Oelstrom: theoelstrom4@gmail.com​
Sarah Jacoby: sarahjacoby@charter.net
Swanson Building Reps​
Kristin Zetting: Kristin.uhan@gmail.com
Danielle Lewcock: djlew28@gmail.com
Dixon Building Rep
​Sandy Traylor: traylorsk@wi.rr.com
Brook El Building Rep​
Jeff Karbowski: jjk12415@gmail.com
Burleigh Building Rep
Teaching in Wisconsin is a website that provides information to staff, students, and the community regarding the teaching conditions in Wisconsin school districts and also hopes to identify districts that are still great places to work. The major focus of information provided is regarding:
Does this district have a career salary schedule that is predictive and objective?
Does every teacher in this district have the opportunity to earn the maximum salary?
Does this district terminate teachers or pursue non-renewals without giving advance notice and the opportunity and support to improve the alleged performance deficiency?
If you have information to add, update, or change, please contact the site administrators at researchteam@teachinginwisconsin.com.
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